Tuesday 18th of February 2025


Dal giallo al crime. Glocalismo, transculturalità e transmedialità nel poliziesco italiano contemporaneo

Federico Pagello, Università degli Studi G. D'Annunzio di Chieti-Pescara pdf_icon_30x30




Abstract: From Inspector Montalbano (RAI 1, 1999- ) to Gomorra (Sky, 2014- ), from Rocco Schiavone (RAI 2, 2016- ) to Suburra (Netflix, 2016- ), crime series are among the Italian TV shows that have enjoyed vey wide trasnational distribution in the past few years. This paper looks at this phenomenon, building on studies of crime fiction as a transmedia genre which has proven perfectly suited to conveying glocal processes and transcultural experiences shaping contemporary societies on a global level. In particular, the article argues that to understand better the international appeal of the most successful Italian crime shows it is important to take into consideration the development of Italian literary crime narratives since the 1990s, as well as their relationship to major transnational trends such regional crime fiction and, particularly, “Mediterranean noir.”


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