Thursday 06th of March 2025


Global, World e National Cinema nell’epoca dei servizi on-demand

Marco Cucco e Giacomo Manzoli, Università di Bologna pdf_icon_30x30


m.cucco(at), giacomo.manzoli(at)


Abstract: This article investigates the concepts of global, world and national cinema: three categories which together comprise a large part of contemporary film production. The analysis is made up of two main parts. The first is dedicated to the heated debate that has developed around these key concepts in recent years from different research perspectives. The second analyses the advent of video-on-demand services and questions how the categories of global, world and national cinema are redefined by the players working in this new market. In order to do this, the authors take Netflix (forerunner, leader and trendsetter of the on-demand business) as a case study. In particular, they investigate the use that Netflix makes of these three film categories to achieve its corporate purposes.


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