Wednesday 19th of February 2025

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Traduzione settoriale e lingue speciali. La traduzione giuridica, la traduzione economico-finanziaria e la terminologia, tra alveo disciplinare e assi di ricerca
Danio Maldussi e Eva Wiesmann, Università di Bologna 
danio.maldussi(at), eva.wiesmann(at)
Abstract: After a short introduction to LSPs and the interdisciplinary nature of specialized translation, this paper focuses, in two separate chapters, on the state of the art in two specializations: legal translation and economic and financial translation. After first underlining the importance of legal translation at a practical, didactic and research-oriented level, in the first of these chapters the interdisciplinary nature of this discipline is indicated as one of the main reasons for its importance. This is followed by an overview of the development of the state of the art in the extensive research carried out on legal translation through an analysis of publications from the very beginning to the present day, highlighting the main desiderata of research today. The second chapter of these chapters gives an overview of economic and financial translation, highlighting the interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary nature of this activity. Particular attention is paid to the discipline itself, the market and reference texts, with a focus on the distinction between buy-side and sell-side translation. Space is then given to the most promising directions of current and future research in this relatively young, little studied discipline. The problematic nature of selecting an unambiguous denomination for this domain, the wide-ranging mandate of the financial translator, who acts as a global communicator in the processes of internationalization of both markets and companies will be oulined. The final part of this paper is dedicated to the link between specialized translation and terminology, as well as to the fundamental distinctions between word and term, nomenclature and terminology. Finally, the key moments in this field, together with the various strands of research, will be outlined.

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