Tuesday 18th of February 2025

Metodi e ambiti nella ricerca sulla traduzione, l’interpretazione e l’interculturalità: una panoramica interdisciplinare
r.pederzoli(at)unibo.it; adriano.ferraresi(at)unibo.it; randy.scansani(at)unibo.it; sofia.cavalcanti2(at)unibo.it
Abstract: This contribution presents the volume "Research Methods and Themes in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies", and provides a brief overview of the history of translatology and the relationships it has established with related disciplines. The volume aims to provide an overview of the methods and areas of research that have occupied centre stage in in Translation, Interpreting and Intercultural Studies in recent years, and is aimed both at young researchers who are taking their first steps in the discipline, and at more experienced scholars who wish to broaden their research perspective.

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