Friday 31st of January 2025
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Organisation du discours et “repackaging” informationnel dans les interactions en L2 : des pistes pour l’évaluation de la compétence interactionnelle
Catherine Felce, Université Grenoble Alpes
Abstract: This contribution aims to address the relevance of some criteria used for the assessment of interactional competence in the language certification CLES B2 in France. The study investigates how learners of German deal with discourse organisation while interacting with their partner(s) during the paired speaking test of the CLES B2. Based on CEFR descriptors, the current criteria provide support for evaluating pragmatic as well as linguistic aspects in the interactions. However, they might be insufficient to account for a speaker's ability to adapt their language conduct to the local context created by the discourse of the interlocutor(s). How could interactional stretches of language as co-constructed products be assessed? To what extent are the interlocutor, the informational content conveyed and the produced discourse taken into account? Which criteria could be likely to apply to the interactional competence as a dynamic and adaptive ability in interactional practices in L2? Drawing on analyses of learners’ performances, we will examine the resources used to achieve the targeted joint action and will relate them to a language-specific competence of discourse organisation.
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