Saturday 27th of July 2024


Dossier (No. 1 - 2005)

Remembering the Troubles, a cura di Patrick Leech

· Patrick Leech, "Introduction"

· Raffaella Baccolini, "Sometime, between memory and forgetting"

· Patrick Leech, "Silences and retellings: Don Mullan’s The Dublin and Monaghan bombings (2000)"

Remembering Monaghan: a discussion of Evelyn Conlon’s Later on: The Monaghan Bombing Memorial Anthology (2004)

· Rosa Maria Bolliettieri Bosinelli, "Curious reticence"

· Sam Whitsitt, "The Rumor of Truth and the Truth of Rumor"

· Jenny Varney, "Writing and loss: the weight of fiction"

· Giulia Rinaldi, "Later on: Remembering ‘from below’"

Remembering Belfast

· Diana Bianchi, "Remembering wounded cities: Monaghan, Bologna, Belfast"

· Elena Capuzzo, "Written inside their eyes"

· Don Mullan, "The Parkmore Youth Club 1977-78"

· Evelyn Conlon, "Postscript"


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# Titolo Articolo Autore Visite
1 Introduction Patrick Leech 2763
2 Sometime, Between Memory and Forgetting Raffaella Baccolini 3097
3 Silences and retellings: Don Mullan’s The Dublin and Monaghan bombings (2000) Patrick Leech 2337
4 Curious reticence Rosa Maria Bollettieri Bosinelli 2455
5 The Rumor of Truth and the Truth of Rumor Sam Whitsitt 2551
6 Writing and loss: the weight of fiction Jenny Varney 2672
7 Later On: Remembering “from below” Giulia Rinaldi 2610
8 Remembering wounded cities: Monaghan, Bologna, Belfast Diana Bianchi 2596
9 Written inside their eyes Elena Capuzzo 2680
10 The Parkmore Youth Club 1977-78 Don Mullan 2981
11 Postscript Evelyn Conlon 2667

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