Monday 31st of March 2025


Dossier (No. 4 - 2007)

Language and Citizenship, dossier edited by Paul Bayley

This research was funded by a grant from the INTUNE project (Integrated and United: A quest for Citizenship in an ever closer Europe) financed by the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Union, Priority 7, Citizens and Governance in a Knowledge Based Society (CIT3-CT-2005-513421)

· John Morley, "Introduction: the IntUne Project"

· Paul Bayley, "A corpus account of 'accountability'"

· Gordon Tucker, "A corpus-based profile of the noun representation: Towards a lexicogrammar and socio-semantics of political representation"

· Geoffrey Williams, "Europe in Le Monde 2004"

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# Titolo Articolo Autore Visite
1 Introduction: The IntUne Project John Morley 4846
2 A corpus account of “accountability” Paul Bayley 5023
3 A corpus-based profile of the noun representation: Towards a lexicogrammar and socio-semantics of political representation Gordon Tucker 4458
4 Europe in Le Monde 2004 Geoffrey Williams 4775

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