Tuesday 11th of March 2025


Articoli/Articles (No.24-2019)

· Beatrice Spallaccia, "Retorica e movimenti anti-gender. Spunti di riflessione dall’Italia e dall’Europa"

· Gloria Bazzocchi e Rafael Lozano Miralles, "Traducción y retraducción de Cien años de soledad en italiano"

· Patrick Leech, "How to do things with translation. Jean-Paul Marat’s translation of Newton’s Optics (1787)”

· Elisabetta Cecconi, "Populism in English Civil War news discourse. A corpus-assisted discourse study of Mercurius Britanicus"

· Linda Rossato,“‘I skipped unnecessary details and got straight to the point!’: Adolescents and Young Adults on their Child Language Brokering Experiences”

· Patrizia Giampieri, "Corpus-based translation in the tourism sector: a case study with final year bachelor students"

· Mirella Agorni, "Gender, tourism and travelling translation"


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# Titolo Articolo Autore Visite
1 Retorica e movimenti anti-gender. Spunti di riflessione dall’Italia e dall’Europa Beatrice Spallaccia 1317
2 Traducción y retraducción de Cien años de soledad en italiano Gloria Bazzocchi, Rafael Lozano Miralles 965
3 How to do things with translation. Jean-Paul Marat’s translation of Newton’s Optics (1787) Patrick Leech 859
4 Populism in English Civil War news discourse. A corpus-assisted discourse study of Mercurius Britanicus Elisabetta Cecconi 1079
5 “I skipped unnecessary details and got straight to the point!”: Adolescents and Young Adults reflecting on their Child Language Brokering Experiences Linda Rossato 821
6 Corpus-based translation in the tourism sector: a case study with final year bachelor students Patrizia Giampieri 1358
7 Gender, Tourism and Travelling Translation Mirella Agorni 904

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